Automotive aftermarket parts distributor: distribution center and 35 branches. The product mix is more than 200,000 SKU, more than 2,000 suppliers, lead time from 1 day to 3 months
Project highlights
PARTKOM planned to reduce stock and non-convertible stock at central and branch warehouses, increase service level (availability), automate the assortment matrix management and automate the best supplier and supply chain selection
Tier automated inventory management system for sales points and branches
Employee motivation system based on key performance indicators (KPI)
Retro bonus management system for direct contract
The company’s network expansion from 3 to 16 branches in a year and a half was achieved without an increase in the staff of the procurement and distribution department. The procurement and replenishment processes of the branch network are fully centralized and automated:
Sales up by 15%
Gross profit raised by 15%
Product mix increased from 80 to 200 thousand SKU
Service level raised by 12%
Inventory level decreased by by 20-40% depending on the brands
Working capital dercreased by 60%