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The Inventorsoft Company


The Inventorsoft Company is a multinational team operating from the US, Europe and Central Asia with partners that provide global reach. We design and develop inventory management software for retailers, wholesalers, distributors and producers.


Our flagship product, InventorSystem, provided a profit-oriented approach to inventory management problems. Its unmatched flexibility allows users to automate replenishment problem-solving on the SKU level.


The system calculates the most profitable strategy for each unit for every point of sales daily. Thus, you don't need to hallucinate what service level should be attached to the group of products to meet customer requirements and profit objectives. The system gives you the most profitable service level in given circumstances daily, and the manager's role is to decide whether to stick with this strategy or adjust it in accordance with regulations, marketing strategy, or unpublic information.


We enjoy developing best-in-class technologies to help our customers gain profitability.

Sales growth

Working capital decrease

Product mix growth

Service level raise

Inventory level decrease

Replenishment frequency decrease

Averaged Inventorsoft deliverables:

Inventorsoft contribution to the industry:


First profit-targeted enterprise-scale inventory optimization solution

INVENTOR SYSTEM is first an enterprise-scale inventory optimization solution on the marketplace with a clear objective: profit. INVENTOR FORECASTER uses actual transaction data and real probability distributions to predict future demand and lead time. INVENTOR OPTIMIZER solves optimization problems for each SKU in every facility individually. INVENTOR SUPPLY deals with all known financial and physical constraints to provide the best for-profit replenishment strategy for each SKU and every facility.


Millions non-biased decisions daily: full replenishment automation

INVENTOR SYSTEM makes 99% of the decisions needed every day, placing orders with suppliers, buying goods from the market at the best prices automatically, moving goods from distribution warehouses to points of sale, and choosing the best logistics providers for the purpose daily. So, let your team focus on improving customer experience and negotiating better terms with suppliers. And they will still be responsible for resolving 1% of situations that need attention.


Powerful tool for businesses of any size to compete even with "blue chips"

INVENTOR SYSTEM will strengthen your business regardless of its size. Have you recently implemented a fancy ERP or WMS system? - for sure, our forecasting module will be able to increase efficiency, and the optimization module will make decision-making transparent with the only suitable metric for all: profit. Do you still make daily orders in EXCELL? - with INVENTOR SUPPLY, you will have more time for your family soon, daily!

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